Gargona igen
Jag vet inte varför jag inte kan sluta tänka på henne jag blir typ aldrig mätt på att se avsnitten vill träffa henne på rikigt.. hur fan ska jag överleva?? jag kan bara inte veta hur jag ska kunna sluta tänka på en så underbar person som hon... ;--;
Hej, jag heter Theresia och älskar Gargona i serien Mia and me. Det jag gillar med henne är att hon är rolig, cool och kaxig. Själv vill jag hemskt gärna åka till Centopia..jag skulle nog passa som en svart alf, det vore så roligt att få jobba eller ja arbeta för Gargona.
Men även vara hennes bästa vän, jag tror nog att Gargona hade behövt en vän..för hon har ingen vän stackars Gargona...
Panthea tar inte väll hand om Gargona... jag har en dålig känsla av att Gargona är ledsen för att Panthea skyler på henne hela tiden om allt som går snett... det är ju inte hennes fel... om jag vart Gargona så skulle jag ha dödat Panthea på en gång och tagit över som drottning.
Mia, Yuko och Mo är Gargonas fiender... jag önska att dom dumma älvorna kunde låt…
I'm back
Hello! I took a pause from editing wikis for some time, but now I will be coming back.
I won't be editing daily like I used to but I will at least check up here daily to see how things are going.
Any questions about anything then feel free to post on my wall!
Beautiful Dream
Guys,you will not believe me: I dreamed season 4 of Mia and Me!!!!!!!!! It must be some sign!!!!! My heart is a lot.
Today is six years since Mia and Me was first broadcast on Canal+ !!!!!!!!!!!!! I love this show so much!!!!!!!!!
Are Mia parents alive???
Hey, do you remeber that Mia parents experienced a car accident and that their bodies were not found?It can mean they are actually alive!!!! Onchao's mother,Lyria, are disappeared because of Panthea,but Mia,Yuko,Mo and Onchao found she back. Whether her parents return/Every day i image it!!!
I don't know for what reason,but I feel as if I was the only one in this Wikia..... i feel lonely..... :))))):
I've always been curious if I had any peer editors on here. I'm 21, is there anyone around my age?
This show means a lot to me
Season 3 of Mia and Me!
Mia and Me has a new season - Season 3. In this season Mia goes on a vacation where there's a problem with the room renting. Mia finds a blind girl named Sara who becomes her friend and she stays wth her. In Centopia Mia finds another threat, but there are some good news, too. Lyria has a new baby unicorn - Kyara. In this Season, the king and queen of Centopia fall asleep because of a cursed vine that they both touched. Mia and her friends must find the pieces of the heart of Centopia to save them. There are new Elemental Unicorns, and a very special new species arrives in Centopia - the Ponycorns-beautiful little unicorns with colorful coats and manes. There's a new weapon created by Phuddle-a sticky, purple substance that the elves can u…
Heart Unicorn
The Heart Unicorn is a new Elemetnal Unicorn in Mia and Me. There's the article about the Heart Unicorn on Mia and Me Wiki: Article/Heart Unicorn. This is just to let you in on another secret in the new season od Mia and Me... But when Mia arrives in Centopia, there's always a new magical journey and adventure. Make sure to check out all the new elemental unicorns in Mia and Me here:Mia and Me-Elemental Unicorns.
*Make yourself sure to send me a message or post a comment about any question you have about Mia and Me!
I plan to edit lots of articles and add/expand to them. If you see an article that I missed or that hasn't been edited yet, let me know please.
[http:// Mia And Me: Season 2 Episode 3: Magic Of The Silver Moon Laura: (bursts into room) Mia! Mo! Yuko! Guess what! I got a invitation from SILVER STAR!!!!!!!!! Eeeeek! Mia: What's the deal about that? Is it important??? Laura: Yes, yes, and yes! Yuko: Why? Laura: Every five years, Silver Star holds a festival over the Silver Moon at Starry Meadow at 12:00 at midnight, when the Silver Moon appears and casts the meadow into a sparkling twilight. Plus, they have silver envelopes in each slice of Moonberry Chocolate Cake with special prizes inside the envelopes. (breaths in, then out) And I saw a piece of the Magic Map inside one slice! Everyone: (gasps) Mia: The map???!!! A Magic Map piece is inside a cake slice? What?! Laura: But Silver…
Królowa Mayla wcześnie wstała.Mo też.
-Cześć Mamo-powiedział Mo.
-Cześć skarbie-powiedziała królowa.potem zaczęła robić synowi kanapki.Gdy Mo zjadł.Wrócił do swojego pokoju.
-Dziękuję-powiedział chłopak.potem przyszła królowa.
-Mo a może pojedziemy na wakację?-spytała królowa Mayla.
-Super-powiedział książe Mo.potem poszli się szykować.Królowa zaczęła pakować.Gdy się spakowali.Poszli się przebrać.Mayla miała na sobie bikini w tej samej barwie co suknia oraz sandały na koturnie.
-Ale się ciesze-powiedział Mo.potem elfy wyszły z pałacu.
-Lecimy-powiedziała królowa.Mo był bardzo szczęśliwy.
-Super-powiedział Mo.Gdy dolecieli.Weszli do środka.
-Ale tu fajnie-powiedziała królowa.
-Masz rację mamo-powiedział książe Mo.potem zaczęli leżeć na kocu.
-Synku a …
Make sure to read the "Teaser summary" and "Story synopsis" section of Season 2 if you want to know! The synopsis is OFFICIAL, since it is directly from Season 2's flyer.
So, are you excited with the story :D?
Season 2 Live-action Set Production Pictures
Here are the pictures for the live-action set production of Season 2 of Mia and Me! These are taken from the Mia and Me Facebook page.
Pictures © 2013 Lucky Punch | Rainbow | March Entertainment
An Update to Mia and Me Wiki!
In the early September, I adopted this wiki. I've made a few changes to make this wiki better.
- 1 New Design
- 2 Rules & Policy
- 2.1 Definition in Mia and Me Wiki
- 3 Article Standards
- 4 New Users Guide
- 5 Projects
- 6 The New Forums!
- 7 News
- 8 Top 10 Lists
- 9 Questions?
The background, colors and wordmark are updated. What do you think about it?
I've made the rules and policy. Read it here.
Rules - Regulations made to make the wiki a better place. Applies to all users (except noted otherwise).
Policies - A more indepth of the rules, and the standards of how things work in this wiki.
This is used as the format of each article's category. This is not compulsory, although it is VERY recommended to follow it.
Read it here.
A guide for new users, whether they are new in this wiki, or …
Season 2 of Mia and Me!
Great news to all Mia and Me fans! According to this post from Mia and Me's official website, the second season of Mia and Me is in production!
It is said that she will meet her grandfather in the Season 2.
Let's just wait for the new season shall we? While waiting, edit and complete all the Season 1 articles :)!
Adopting This Wiki
I don't know if anyone is going to read this, but here you go.
I am going to adopt this wiki, so it can become a better place, and become the ULTIMATE Mia and Me Wiki!
I have contributed here actively for the past week.
My adoption request form is located and me Wiki here.
I'm open for suggestions and opinions, so tell me your thoughts! ForeverFriendlyViolet (talk) 03:57, September 6, 2014 (UTC)