Mia and Me Wiki

A project is a team of users who have a special attention to a type of article. Currently, there are four projects: Project Characters, Project Episodes, Project Places/Location and Project Script.

Projects are made for categories of articles which are quite wide.

How do I join?[]

You can contact the leader if you want to join as a member or co-leader. If you want to be a leader, you can contact the head admin or leave a message on the talk page of this page.


General (All projects and  all positions)[]

  • The user is willing to be polite to other users.
  • The user is willing to be given tasks.
  • The user is logged-in/registered.
  • No serious block record. (for leader/co-leader position)

Project Episodes[]

  • At least 5 constructive edits on episodes articles.

Project Characters[]

  • At least 5 constructive edits on character articles.

Project Places/Locations[]

  • At least 5 constructive edits on places or locations articles.

Open Positions[]

The position as a member is always open. This section explains the open positions for higher rights.

Project Episodes[]

  • Co-leader

Project Characters[]

  • Co-leader

Project Places/Locations[]

  • Co-leader

Project Scripts[]

  • Leader
  • Co-leader

Project Leaders[]

These leaders are to be contacted when a user is vandalizing a page according to a project's article category, when you want to ask questions, when you want to apply to be a member or a co-leader, or when you want to suggest a grading change. Please contact the respective leader for the respective category for the article!

Warnings & Blocking[]

Warnings can be given out by a member of a project to a user who is doing bad edits to the article in the category.

Warnings are not to be given for those who do not follow the standards.

If a user receives enough warnings,:

  • the leader (co-leader if the leader is inactive) can block the user for a specified time. (if the leader is an admin)
  • the leader (co-leader if the leader is inactive) can request an admin to block the user.
  • a member can request the leader (co-leader if the leader is inactive) to block the user, or to ask the help of an admin to block the user.

Blocking duration MUST follow the Rules & Policy.

User Rights[]

Of course, all users have the rights to edit. These are the unique rights.


A leader of a project can:

  • decide the format of the project's articles.
  • choose and remove members.
  • block a user (if the leader is an admin) or ask an admin to block a user who is disturbing the quality of the project's articles.
  • decide the task of each user.
  • give out warnings to users who are ruining the project's articles.
  • grade an article in the project's category.
  • fix the format of an article.


Basically, a co-leader have all the qualities of a leader, and is the helper of a leader to make decisions. Co-leaders are to be contacted when a leader of a project is inactive.

Normal member[]

A normal member can:

  • give out warnings to users who are ruining the project's articles.
  • request the leader to block a distruptive user (when they received enough warnings), or request the leader to contact an admin to block the user.
  • fix the format of an article.

Current Projects[]

Project Episodes[]

Project episodes focus on perfecting the episode articles.

Leader: ForeverFriendlyViolet

Co-leader: IwakuraLain


Project Characters[]

Project Characters focus on perfecting the character articles.

Leader: ForeverFriendlyViolet

Co-leader: IwakuraLain


Project Places/Locations[]

Project Places/Locations focus on perfecting articles about places or/and locations.

Leader: ForeverFriendlyViolet

Co-leader: IwakuraLain


Project Scripts[]

Project Scripts focus on perfecting the transcripts of episodes.

Leader: ForeverFriendlyViolet (temporarily)

Co-leader: IwakuraLain



Any questions, suggestions or problems? Contact the leader of the project you are interested in, or leave a message at this page's talk page.
